Month: October 2016

Designing Screens and Burning for Photos

TLDR: On the weekend after pitch in class I chose to go out and about taking photos of environments that match areas of Sunset valley to integrate into the app screens, and after 8 hours outdoors, myself and the few friends that chose to join me on this adventure were all very, very sun burnt.


Design Rationale

TLDR: This post is entirely a remake of the pdf I submitted for the interactive data assessment, but in blog form. It is a 35 page pdf as it includes images of every screen for said interactive, so all images have been omitted from this post to save space, apologies if this abstraction is unclear as some parts are written to directly address images.


Constructive feedback and reflection

TLDR: I don’t remember much of the feedback but if I did this project again I would look for a way to minimise the number of screens and stop the lagging of the interactions.
Moving on from that for 3.5, from my class mate’s blogs that I have observed it seems no one really assessed my interactive for constructive feedback on the usability, and with myself falling behind, it would seem quite futile to give such feedback to others now that the project is well and truly over, so instead I will reflect on my own assessment, which is the basis of 5.1.
